Methodology of American Smooth 

After 15 years of very successful teaching American Smooth, we decided to share the secrets of our methodology. This series of classes will teach you how to master the most difficult teaching subjects. You will learn essential tips and techniques. 

This course will cover:
1. Methodology American Smooth Turns
2. Methodology of Standing Spins and Runarounds
3. Methodology of Foot pressure 
4. Methodology of Entries to Left and Right Shadow Position
5. Methodology of Exits from Left and Right Shadow Position
6. Methodology of achieving Left Side position in Bronze level
7. Methodology of Leader and Follower Promenade Shape
8. Picture Lines and more


The goal for each class is to be able to understand the subject in a way you can explain it with confidence and ease. With each new skill mastered, you’ll build more knowledge, understanding, mobility, strength, and balance. This course is using approachable methods to help you accomplish some of the hardest American Smooth techniques. 

If you’re looking to be a very successful dancer or instructor this series is for you.
